jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2019

¿Qué son los momentos extraordinarios?

Los mensajes hablan de alcanzar felicidad, de correr tras ella y de embadurnarse con éxito. Como si eso fuera una llave mágica que abre el cofre que hace que la pertenencia reine y nos corone por un rato como participantes del grupo de los 'exitosos, realizados y felices'.-
Eso es una gran falsedad, propia de los dioses del olimpo que se erigen en el siglo XXI. Un siglo de gran arrogancia individualista y de egoísmo profundo en donde las corrientes pseudo-idealistas, se funden con los grandes manipuladores sociales tales como los medios de comunicación, la política con sus políticos y sus sistemas, la economía y ciertos dirigentes sociales que se dicen representantes de todos a quienes justamente no representan. Todos asociados para engendrar a una sociedad triste, pobre y sin grandes ni altos niveles de esperanza. Una sociedad que se suma en la desesperación por la imposibilidad de comer bien, de llegar a fin de mes y de tener sus necesidades básicas cubiertas.
Los monopolios que asfixian diariamente a la población con sus tarifas exageradas para el producto que exhiben y proveen.
Reina la impotencia del ciudadano que pretende vivir en una sociedad justa, democrática y respetuosa de la ley y los valores.
Nos venden la idea de pasar momentos extraordinarios, y se ven afiches y propagandas de estilos de vida suntuosos a los que la mayoría nunca va a acceder aunque por un tiempo pueda usar las zapatillas marca xxxx y pueda ir a comer al restaurante de moda en la zona tal o cual.
Los momentos de felicidad extraordinaria posiblemente se puedan medir en milisegundos, y es probable que la mayoría de esos momentos queden sepultados en el mar de la inconsciencia y con suerte, alguna noche, nos proveerá de un sueño que no recordaremos, ni entenderemos más allá de esbozar unas cuantas teorías de momento para luego ser olvidados.
Entonces, qué son los momentos de felicidad extraordinaria? Tal vez, ser más agradecidos es un primer paso para tomar un grado de control sobre tal posibilidad. La de ser feliz. La de ser. La de feliz. La posibilidad es. Al mismo tiempo, el dejar ir. El soltar y abandonar creencias, sentimientos y emociones. Dos caras de la misma moneda. Medir y ser estrategas al mismo tiempo que calibrar qué dejar ir para preservarnos de la angustia existencial y de las otras, que se mezclan para hundir al espíritu bombardeándolo con ideas que en la realidad no van a existir jamás.
Los momentos extraordinarios son todos y cada uno de los que respiramos, si tuviéramos más presente que en su maravilla, cada uno de ellos es uno que resta de nuestra existencia en este planeta. Piénselo y aproveche su tiempo, su cerebro, su cuerpo y sepa que su vida es un conjunto de prodigios.

Nse.CynGrin - Life Coach - cyngrin@yahoo.com.ar

lunes, 20 de mayo de 2019

AE E-Teacher Spring 2019 Teaching English to Young Learners MOOC Badge Awarded: May 20, 2019

AE E-Teacher Spring 2019 Teaching English to Young Learners MOOC Badge
Awarded: May 20, 2019

miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2019

Tips to improve your English! by Nse.CynGrin - English Coach

'Words are not easy'. You may have memorized a myriad of vocabulary lists, you know the grammar needed to hold a conversation and still find yourself lost when you want to express yourself. 
There are several reasons behind this phenomenon, some of them more obvious than others. In this article, I would like to give you some recommendations to help you overcome the difficulties you can experience, using some of the simplest methods to improve your communication skills in English.

1.   Slow down the speed when you speak
May be you are an eloquent speaker when it comes to your mother tongue, but expect the same standards when spoken in a foreign language may not be very realistic. To overcome this difficulty, it is best to reduce the speed when talking. Great speakers do the same to convey their message. Carefully select your words. Show that you are interested in the conversation. Let it be noticed that you are interested in giving the best possible answer.

2.   Give yourself time to think 
Sometimes it may seem that the one listening to you is impatient. Probably it is not true: people often prefer a well-thought-out response to the hasty. Another practical thing you can do is to have some fixed sentences that you can use when staying silent is not an option. The speaker earns a considerable amount of time to reflect simply by repeating the question and adding a few sentences. If you do the same, you will sound more fluid and you will not feel the pressure of having to say anything before you are ready. 

3.   Learn sentences, not just words
In a way, this will also eliminate the pressure. When you learn a new word, try to memorize a couple of sentences that contain it. It’ll come a time when you can use a particular sentence with little or no alteration.

4.   Learn to listen
When you speak in a foreign language, you can be so focused on whether what you say is right or not, that you forget to hear what others say. This is a big mistake because they might be using the exact words or grammar you'll need later. So pay attention to what is said around you, it is a very important resource when talking to someone.

5.   Practice your questions 
Ask questions! It not only shows you are interested, but also offers a dialogue to not end up being the one who has to talk all the time. 
Therefore, when you run out of ideas about what to say, remember: others might have something to add.

The questions will keep the conversation on, and will show your interest in other people's opinions.  Questions will also give you time to relax a bit and start having fun. Make sure you spend enough time learning the right ways to ask questions.

6.   Produce, produce, Produce
As I said at the beginning of this article, you may know something about the English language, but this knowledge is passive and must be activated in some way.
Your goal is to produce correct and fluent English; practice is undeniably the best way to learn and improve. Speaking is a spontaneous process and nothing prepares you better than begin to learn and practice. It will be a great experience!

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2019

10 Habits of a Good Student

Image result for good students habits                                                                  
10 Habits of a Good Student
A good student has certain qualities that make him a success in the studies. From being punctual and eating a healthy diet to doing exercise and making friends, a good student has everything that give him an advantage over other students. If you want to be a successful student, here are some of the habits you need to emulate:

1.     He Adds Discipline to His Life

A good student follows certain rules in life. He sleeps on time, wakes up on time, performs exercises regularly, and eats meals on time. A student follows a routine to do all these things in life. Discipline allows the students to follow a diet regimen and exercise routine that help him stay active in his life and studies.

2.     He Plans His Life

A good student always looks forward to the future and plans his actions accordingly. He keeps tabs on every little thing in life including his studies. From making a plan of his future classes and preparing for the exams to creating notes and doing the assignment writing, he makes a note of every matter in his life and stays in control of life.

3.     He Always Keeps Trying

The best thing about a student is that he is never scared of failure and keeps trying again and again. Whether he fails at getting the top grade or can’t get the first rank in intercollegiate competition, he never stops from making an attempt again and again.

4.     He is Creative

He finds new ways of finding new ways of doing things. His knack for creativity is what gives him an edge over other students and he is able to supersede the other students. He loves doing things his own way which is why he is able to do things differently from fellow students.

5.     He Is Organized

A good student never misses the time as always does things in a timely manner thanks to his organizational skills. He keeps things in order and categorizes everyday jobs in terms of their deadlines which help him complete his tasks in a timely manner.

6.     He Learns From His Mistakes

A good student never regrets from failure and take them as the opportunity to learn and grow. He seeks his mistakes as the stepping stones to achieve his goals and reach his destination. His ability to learn from mistakes is what helps him become more complete as a learner.

7.     He Participates In Sports

A good student always takes part in sports and gives their best shot in any role. Often, they have exceptional leadership skills and become the skipper of their team. They are the star player of their team and contribute to its success.

8.     He Is Inquisitive

This is the most common trait of a good student. A good student wants to explore the enigma of life and keeps unraveling the different folds of this life. He reads books beyond his syllabus and has a collection of fiction and non-fiction books. His interest in books widens his horizons of the world and helps him see from new perspectives.

9.     He is a Good Writer

A studious student has great writing skills. Whether it is about writing academic papers or making notes, he is able to pen them down in a timely manner. He is also good at editing his work which allows him to bring the best out of his writing.

10.   He Learns To Unwind

A good student doesn’t believe in consuming himself in the life and studies. He gives equal attention to himself and takes out the “Me” time to relax. This helps him recover from the stress of life and academic affairs and get back to life with rejuvenated energy.